UTM Builder

Streamline Campaign Tracking

The UTM Builder provided by Super SEO Tools is an essential tool for marketers and website owners who want to track the effectiveness of their online campaigns. By using this tool, you can generate UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) codes that can be appended to your URLs, enabling you to track specific campaigns in Google Analytics or other analytics platforms. This tool simplifies the process of creating UTM codes, ensuring that your campaign tracking is accurate and efficient.

Key Features

The UTM Builder comes with a range of features designed to enhance your tracking capabilities:

  • User-Friendly Interface: The tool is designed with a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for users of all experience levels to create UTM codes.
  • Customizable Parameters: You can customize various UTM parameters, including source, medium, campaign, term, and content, to suit your tracking needs.
  • Real-Time URL Generation: As you input your UTM parameters, the tool generates the URL in real-time, allowing you to see the final output immediately.
  • Validation and Error Checking: The tool includes validation features to ensure that your UTM codes are correctly formatted and error-free.
  • Support for Multiple Campaigns: Easily manage and create UTM codes for multiple campaigns without any hassle.
  • Analytics Integration: The UTM codes generated are compatible with Google Analytics and other major analytics platforms, ensuring seamless integration.

How to Use the UTM Builder

Using the UTM Builder is straightforward. Follow these steps to generate your UTM codes:

  1. Enter the URL: Start by entering the URL of the page you want to track.
  2. Fill in UTM Parameters: Provide the necessary UTM parameters:
    • Campaign Source (utm_source): The source of your traffic, such as a search engine, newsletter, or other referral.
    • Campaign Medium (utm_medium): The medium used, like email, CPC (cost-per-click), or social.
    • Campaign Name (utm_campaign): The name of your campaign to identify it in your analytics reports.
    • Campaign Term (utm_term): (Optional) Identify paid keywords.
    • Campaign Content (utm_content): (Optional) Differentiate similar content or links within the same ad.
  3. Generate URL: Click the "Generate URL" button to create your UTM-enhanced URL.
  4. Copy and Use: Copy the generated URL and use it in your marketing campaigns.

Benefits of Using UTM Builder

Implementing UTM codes in your URLs offers several advantages:

  • Enhanced Tracking: Gain detailed insights into the performance of your marketing campaigns, allowing you to see which sources and mediums drive the most traffic.
  • Better ROI Analysis: By understanding which campaigns are most effective, you can allocate your marketing budget more efficiently.
  • Improved Reporting: UTM codes enable more accurate and detailed reporting in analytics platforms, making it easier to analyze and optimize your campaigns.
  • Streamlined Campaign Management: Easily manage and track multiple campaigns, reducing the complexity and time involved in campaign management.


Here's an example of how a URL with UTM parameters might look:


In this example:

  • utm_source=google: The traffic is coming from Google.
  • utm_medium=cpc: The medium is cost-per-click advertising.
  • utm_campaign=spring_sale: The campaign is named "spring_sale."
  • utm_term=shoes: The term is "shoes," which could be a paid keyword.
  • utm_content=ad1: The content parameter differentiates this ad from others in the same campaign.

Best Practices

To get the most out of your UTM tracking, consider these best practices:

  • Consistent Naming Conventions: Use consistent naming conventions for your UTM parameters to ensure clarity and ease of analysis.
  • Keep It Simple: Use short and descriptive names for your parameters to make them easy to understand and manage.
  • Document Your Campaigns: Maintain a spreadsheet or document that lists all your UTM codes and their corresponding campaigns for reference and consistency.
  • Test Your URLs: Always test your UTM-enhanced URLs to ensure they are working correctly and directing traffic to the intended pages.

Integrating with Google Analytics

The UTM codes generated by Super SEO Tools' UTM Builder integrate seamlessly with Google Analytics. Here's how you can view your campaign data in Google Analytics:

  1. Log in to Google Analytics: Access your Google Analytics account.
  2. Navigate to Acquisition: Go to the "Acquisition" section in the left-hand menu.
  3. Select Campaigns: Under "Campaigns," click on "All Campaigns" to see the performance of your UTM-tagged URLs.
  4. Analyze Data: Use the data to analyze the performance of your campaigns, looking at metrics such as sessions, bounce rate, and conversions.

Common Use Cases

The UTM Builder can be used in a variety of scenarios to improve tracking and analytics:

  • Email Marketing: Track the effectiveness of your email campaigns by adding UTM codes to your links.
  • Social Media Campaigns: Measure the impact of your social media efforts by tagging links shared on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • PPC Campaigns: Monitor the performance of your paid search campaigns by using UTM codes in your ads.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Track traffic and conversions from your affiliate partners by providing them with UTM-tagged URLs.
  • Content Marketing: Assess the performance of your content marketing strategies by adding UTM codes to links in your blog posts, whitepapers, and other content.


The UTM Builder provided by Super SEO Tools is an invaluable asset for any marketer looking to gain deeper insights into their campaign performance. By simplifying the process of generating UTM codes and ensuring their accuracy, this tool enables you to track and analyze your marketing efforts more effectively. Whether you're managing email campaigns, social media strategies, PPC advertising, or content marketing, the UTM Builder helps you optimize your campaigns and make data-driven decisions to enhance your ROI.

Start using the UTM Builder today and take your campaign tracking to the next level with Super SEO Tools.


Badr Sabra

CEO / Co-Founder

Enjoy the little things in life. For one day, you may look back and realize they were the big things. Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.